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Usability Enhancements [March 21, 2024]
Usability Enhancements [March 21, 2024]
Asia Ali avatar
Written by Asia Ali
Updated over 12 months ago

We’ve been collecting feedback from our customers and users on ways that we could optimize your experience using Cognota. Our goal was to make it easier for you to manage your requests, projects and tasks, while we continue to invest in new features.

We’re excited to share several recent releases to the platform that we hope will help provide a more seamless user experience.

  • The height of our table rows has been reduced to allow you to see more content on your screen at one time and more easily find the data you’re looking for.

  • We’ve increased the number of default rows on any of the list views to 100 records, to reduce the number of clicks you need to make to find and view the request, project or task that you’re looking for.

  • After creating a project, users will now remain on the Overview page versus being directed to the project list.

  • We’ve increased the length of the Process dropdown menu on the Project Board view. This will help display the full process name.

  • For any dropdown menus with over 10 options, you’ll be able to search to find the option you are looking for.

  • You no longer have to reset the centralized Projects page to the list or board view that you prefer. Moving forward, we’ll remember the view you last used and continue to show it to you by default.

  • Cognota will also remember your ‘View by” and “Sort by” selections on the Project Board. Moving forward, we’ll remember the last settings you applied and show them to you by default.

We would love to hear any other feedback or ideas that you have!

Feel free to email us at and thank you for your continued support and feedback.

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