Customizing your Templates
A Template is a set of fields which can be used to streamline your project management workflow by defining which system fields to include at the project level.
Out of the box, we give you a Standard System Template. Additional custom templates can be added by following the steps below:
1. On the main menu, select Settings, then click Configurations, then select Projects, and select the Templates tab.
2. To add a new Template, select Add Template.
3. In the Template Overview tab, give the Template a Name, Description, and assign a Template owner.
4. In the Build Template tab, you'll then be prompted to select which fields you want to appear in your Template. Field options include from the following:
Target Launch Date [Date]
Allocated Budget [Numeric]
Budget Source [Dropdown]
Estimated Cost [Text]
Translation Needed
Skills Targeted [Text]
Review/Update Schedule [Dropdown]
LMS Item ID [Text]
Modality [Dropdown]
Compliance [Radio Button]
Confidential [Radio Button]
Total Learning Hours [Numeric]
Effort Level [Dropdown]
Impact Level [Dropdown]
Budget Code [Text]
Language(s) [Dropdown]
Stakeholder(s) [Text]
Subject Matter Expert(s) [Text]
You can also add any custom fields you may have created. To learn more about creating custom fields, click here.
5. You can then toggle on/off which fields are Required to fill out. Using the four stacked lines to the left of the field, you can also reorder sections as needed.
Applying a Template to a Project
When adding a New Project, you'll be prompted to select which Template you'd like to use.