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I want to add and track my teams projects.
I want to add and track my teams projects.
Rebecca McDougall avatar
Written by Rebecca McDougall
Updated over 10 months ago

A Project is a defined initiative or deliverable that your Learning Team users are working on, or planning to work on. In order to understand what your team is working on, the first step is to ensure that all of your upcoming and ongoing projects have been added into the platform.

Projects can be added into Cognota in three main ways:

  1. Creating a Project from an Approved Request.

  2. Adding a Project from the Projects section.

  3. Importing a Project from a spreadsheet

Creating a Project from an Approved Request

1. Navigate to the Intake section and select the Approved Request you'd like to create a Project from.

2. Click on the More Actions button and select Create Project.

3. A modal will appear with some Project Details for you to populate:

Project Template defines which series of system fields you want to include in this project.

Project Name is how the Project will be listed within your projects list and boards.

Project Owners are the people who are able to edit the main Project Details. Project Owners will also see the project listed in their own project boards and lists.

Start Date is when you intend to begin working on the project, and Target Completion Date is when you plan on having the project completed.

Process Used defines which Process Board the project will appear on and which stages of development it will go through.

Priority indicates the level of priority for the project. This is helpful in prioritizing your work and assigning resources.

Privacy defines who should be able to view the Project. You can select Public (all Learning Team Users can see the Project), Private (only you can see the project) or Teams (Specific Learning Teams and their users can see the project).

After you have populated these details you can either Save & Open and just Save the project details.

If you Save & Open, you'll then be prompted to input other project details such as Tasks and Resources.

When creating a Project from an approved request, the request will automatically be linked for you at the bottom of the Project view.

Creating a Project from the Project section.

1. Navigate to Projects in the main menu and click Add Project. This would be a common approach if the Project was not initiated from a Request and instead came in through other channels or business priorities.

2. Select a template to apply to your Project.

3. You'll then be prompted to enter some Project Details which are split across two tabs: Basic Details and Resources Details.

​Under the Basic Details tab, you'll be prompted to add:

Project Name is how the Project will be listed within your projects list and boards.

Project Owners are the people who are able to edit the main Project Details. Project Owners will also see the project listed in their own project boards and lists.

Business Unit defines which business units this project is for.

Start Date is when you intend to begin working on the project, and Target Completion Date is when you plan on having the project completed.

Process Used defines which Process Board the project will appear on and which stages of development it will go through.

Privacy defines who should be able to view the Project. You can select Public (all Learning Team Users can see the Project), Private (only you can see the project) or Teams (Specific Learning Teams and their users can see the project).

Under the Resource Details tab, you'll be prompted to indicate:

Resourcing Type - is it Internal, Vendor or Mixed.

Once you've inputted these details, you'll be able to save the Project.

Importing a Project from a Spreadsheet

  1. Navigate to the Projects section from the main menu, click on More Actions, and select Import Projects

  2. You'll be prompted to select a template and then upload your file. You can upload any .csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .txt file with any set of columns as long as it has 1 record per row.

  3. The next step will allow you to match your spreadsheet columns to the right data points. You'll be able to clean up or remove any corrupted data before finalizing your report.

  4. Once you've matched and reviewed your project information, you'll be able to submit and import your project to Cognota.

Viewing your Projects

To view all of your Projects, navigate to the Projects section.

Here you'll be able to view your Teams Projects or just the Projects that you've been assigned. You can also switch between a Board and List View.

Within the Board View, you can choose which Process you'd like to view.

For both the List and Board view, you can also Filter to view a specific set of Projects. Select Filter and then select the various fields you want to filter by and click "Apply".

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